
General Ansible

  1. Getting Notification from Ansible
  2. Working with Roles in Ansible
  3. Working with the Conditional feature
  4. Working with Inventory File in Ansible
  5. Basic Installing and Configuring NTP with Ansible
  6. Basic Installing and Configuring a Web Server with Ansible
  7. Enabling EPEL, Python Bindings for SELinux, and Firewall Settings
  8. Basic Ansible Introductory Learning Notes


  1. Installing Ansible on Rocky Linux 8
  2. Setting up Git Repository for Ansible
  3. Building Public Key, SSH Private Key and Authorized Key
  4. Starting Commands for Ansible
  5. Use Ansible to Check and Configure Timezone to you area
  6. Installing and Configuring Chrony with Ansible on Rocky 8
  7. Enable PowerTools Repository Using Ansible
  8. Updating /etc/resolv.conf using Ansible for Rocky Linux 8
  9. Displaying the Number of Cores and Current Load average for All Nodes
  10. Notification from Ansible to MS-Team Channel
  11. Removing the web console message from Cockpit Using Ansible
  12. Installing Mellanox OFED (mlnx_ofed) packages using Ansible
  13. Using Ansible Expect Module to executes a command and responds to prompts
  14. Guide to Creating Symbolic Links with Ansible
  15. Installing CUDA with Ansible for Rocky Linux 8
  16. Automating the Linux Client Server for Centrify and 2FA on Rocky Linux 8
  17. Mounting and Unmounting NFS File Systems Using Ansible: Essential Tutorial
  18. Optimizing Firewalld Configuration with Ansible’s with_items Parameter
  19. Automating Linux Patching with Ansible: A Simple Guide
  20. Automating Security Patch Logs and MS-Team Notifications with Ansible on Rocky Linux 8
  21. Efficient Task Grouping with Ansible: Timezone Configuration Example
  22. Ansible Delayed Error Handling with Rescue Blocks: Chrony Setup Example
  23. Optimizing Ansible Performance: Implementing Parallelism with Forks
  24. Optimizing Ansible Performance: Serial Execution


  1. Best Practises Guide for using Terraform from Google
  2. 2023 Look Ahead to Platform Engineering
  3. Managing infrastructure with Terraform, CDKTF, and NixOS
  4. Local Build, Test, Debug AWS Serverless App Using AWS SAM CLI & Terraform