Options for ANSYS Batch Mode

-aasstart Fluent in server mode
-actload ACT Start page
affinity=<x>set processor affinity; <x>={core | sock | off}
-applaunches the Remote Visualization Client
-appscript=<scriptfile>run the specified script in App
-case <file_path> [-data]reads the case file immediately after Fluent launches;
can include the data file if it shares the same name as the case file
-cflushflush the file cache buffer
-cnf=<x>specify the hosts file
-command=”<TUI command>”run TUI command on startup,
-driver <name>sets the graphics driver;
 <name>={opengl | opengl2 | x11 | null}
-envshow environment variables
-grun without GUI or graphics
-gpgpu=<n>    specify number of GPGPUs per machine
-gpu[=<n>]run with GPU Solver, and specify devices to
use as needed (where <n> is a comma-separated
list of devices)
-grrun without graphics
-gurun without GUI
-gui_machine=<hostname>specify the machine to be used for running
graphics-related process
-h<heap_size>  specify heap size for Cortex
-helpthis listing
-host_ip=<host:ip>specify the ip interface to be used by the host process
-i <journal>   read the specified journal file
-license=<x>specify the license capability;
<x>={enterprise | premium}
-meshingrun Fluent in meshing mode
-mpi=<mpi>specify MPI implementation;
 <mpi>={openmpi | intel | …},
-mpitest       run the mpitest program instead of Fluent
to test the network
-nmdon’t display mesh after reading
-pcheckcheck the network connections before spawning
compute node processes
-platform=inteluse AVX2 optimized binary;
This option is for processors that can
support AVX2 instruction set
-postrun a post-processing-only executable
-prepost       run a pre/post-processing-only executable
-p<ic>specify interconnect;
<ic>={default | eth | ib},
-rlist all releases
-r<x>specify release <x>

Software Rendering Mode for Fluent Launcher

When running Fluent from inside ANSYS Workbench on Linux. Hardware graphics rendering can fail and the Fluent application failed to start. This error can sometimes be prevented by switching to the software rendering mode. There are 2 approaches

Before Running Workbench, you may want to put this in your BASH Shell

% export HOOPS_PICTURE=x11/lin

In C Shell

% setenv HOOPS_PICTURE x11/lin

If you are using Fluent Launcher


Open a Fluent set of cells
Right Click the Fluent setup cell and choose, edit
In the resulting Fluent launcher, choose +, Show More Options
Select the Environment tab
Add the following entry

Licensing error while opening ANSYS Fluent Meshing

The usage of Fluent was smooth. But when I launched the Fluent (Fluent with Meshing)

I’ve got this error. “No license is available at this time”

Taking a look at ANSYS Learning Forum, According to the forum (Licensing error while opening ANSYS Mechanical) “That error message would appear when there is another operation going on that won’t allow the license to be shared , such as meshing or solving, etc.

To resolve the issue:

  1. Execute the command “/usr/local/ansys_inc/v195/commonfiles/tools/linx64/ansyslm_relutil -userprefs

You should see the dialog box.

You have to go to the bottom of the dialog box “When using Workbench, would you like to”, Use a separate license for each application

Finally, close the application and restart. The issue should go away.


  1. Licensing error while opening ANSYS Mechanical

MPI related Errors for ANSYS-20.1

One of my users was facing the issues when running ANSYS-20.1 Fluent

Error: eval: unbound variable
Error Object: c-flush
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs2
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs1
fluent_mpi.20.1.0: Rank 0:110: MPI_Init: ibv_create_qp(left ring) failed
fluent_mpi.20.1.0: Rank 0:110: MPI_Init: probably you need to increase pinnable memory in /etc/security/limits.conf
fluent_mpi.20.1.0: Rank 0:110: MPI_Init: ibv_ring_createqp() failed
fluent_mpi.20.1.0: Rank 0:110: MPI_Init: Can't initialize RDMA device
fluent_mpi.20.1.0: Rank 0:110: MPI_Init: Internal Error: Cannot initialize RDMA protocol

There were a few steps that we took to resolve the issues. Do look at the generated logs which will give lots of information. If you are using the PBS-Professional. your fluent script may look like this.

fluent 3ddp -g -t$nprocs -mpi=ibmmpi -cflush -ssh -lsf -cnf=$PBS_NODEFILE -pinfiniband -nmon -i $inputfile >& $PBS_JOBID.log 2>&1
  • Do note that “-cflush” and that it should be placed after the -mpi flag. From our observation, if the -cflush is placed before -mpi, it seems to initiate the flush, but another error would be generated.
  • Make sure you choose the right mpi parameter.