Platform LSF – Controlling Hosts

1. Closing a Host

# badmin hclose hostid
Close hostid ...... done

2. Opening a Host

# badmin hopen hostid
Open hostid ...... done

3. Log a comment when closing or opening a host

# badmin hopen -C "Re-Provisioned" hostA
# badmin hclose -C "Weekly backup" hostB

The comment text Weekly backup is recorded in If you close or open a host group, each host group member displays with the same comment string.

Platform LSF – Working with Hosts (lshosts, lsmon)

The lshosts command shows the load thresholds. Using lshosts -l

$ lshosts -l
HOST_NAME:  comp001
type             model  cpuf ncpus ndisks maxmem maxswp maxtmp rexpri server nprocs ncores nthreads
X86_64     Intel_EM64T  60.0    16      1    63G    16G 352423M      0    Yes      2      8        1

RESOURCES: Not defined
RUN_WINDOWS:  (always open)

r15s   r1m  r15m   ut    pg    io   ls   it   tmp   swp   mem   root maxroot processes clockskew netcard iptotal  cpuhz cachesize diskvolume processesroot   ipmi powerconsumption ambienttemp cputemp
-   3.5     -    -     -     -    -    -     -     -     -      -       -         -         -       -       -      -         -          -             -      -                -           -       -